Written by Sinar Daily, Malaysiakini

Rakyat craves action from unity government 

Today's citizens are an intelligent and informed generation capable of critically analysing the information they receive.

Therefore, it is essential not to underestimate them by presenting technical news and information in an attempt to convey messages.

Political analyst Afi Roshezry Abu Bakar emphasised that relying on image-building, creating myths and generating hype to garner support, while hoping to persuade passive voters, was an outdated strategy in the current environment saturated with information and disinformation.

"The citizens earnestly hope that the leaders of the country will highlight their commitment to a robust democracy, enabling Malaysia to further progress in upholding human rights and individual freedoms.

"The people are discerning and well aware of the mistakes made by various governments in the past.

"Therefore, it would be more effective if members of the unity government refrain from the habitual blame game directed at previous administrations when communicating ongoing policy decisions to the public," the senior lecturer from University Tunku Abdul Rahman told Sinar Daily.

He stressed the need for members of the unity government to tailor their message to resonate with the diverse communities in the country.

"Malaysia is characterised by its diverse population.

"The existing political leaders should know how to address the citizens nationwide.

"If the issue concerns Perlis, it should be addressed in a localised manner.

"Similarly, matters related to the people of Kelantan need not delve into state politics but can be addressed through localised policies," he added.

Recent media reports have indicated that the government was struggling to respond to rising living costs with various stopgap measures that appeared poorly coordinated and lack understanding and insight into current issues.

"On this note, I believe that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim needs a capable adviser to address the concerns raised by local communities promptly.

"The adviser should possess knowledge across all aspects of the diverse communities in the country," Afi added.

He highlighted that people were often confused and unsure about what to believe, especially in the face of widespread misinformation in today's social media landscape.

"The country is currently too fragmented to be governed efficiently.

"While it may be a democracy with signs of economic growth, these positive developments occur because of the people.

"The government is expected to take proactive steps and present its proposed economic recovery packages," he added.  - Written by Sinar Daily

Puad: Dubai Move exposé shows that J-Kom needs overhaul

Former Special Affairs Department (Jasa) director-general Mohd Puad Zarkashi today has called for an overhaul of the Community Communications Department (J-Kom) in light of the Dubai Move exposé.

The Umno supreme council member said there was no need for the J-Kom deputy director-general Ismail Yusop to play on the Dubai Move issue, which was the latest reported plot to topple the government.

“It is more appropriate for J-Kom to focus on the ‘backdoor government’ disaster narrative that will not be achieved,” Puad said in a statement on Facebook.

He went on to call Ismail’s analysis of the situation “shallow”, adding that it had caused the government to become defensive due to mentioning the names of those within the government bloc.

Puad also pointed out that J-Kom’s image has fallen further since the “A&W” scandal, involving two department officers linked to an allegedly lewd viral video clip.

"So it is very appropriate for J-Kom to be thoroughly overhauled, have a total rebranding and be led by those who are more competent,” he said.

Jasa was disbanded in November 2020 and rebranded as J-Kom.

Yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi confirmed the existence of the Dubai Move.

Based on intelligence reports, he said that the movement not only involves Perikatan Nasional leaders, but certain individuals from the government bloc as well.

On Saturday, Ismail claimed the Dubai Move arose during a recent vacation taken by PN leaders, as well as government backbenchers, to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

He also claimed a meeting took place during the visit to assign specific tasks to “agents” responsible for identifying MPs who might switch their support to the opposition with inducements.

PN denied the existence of such a plot. - Written by Malaysiakini

Written by Sinar Daily, Malaysiakini

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